Our collective blog is titled 15 Minutes of Play but I spent way more time on my Solids Swap project than 15 minutes today. It was a very warn humid day, so I stayed inside and worked for over 5 hours. Time flies when you are having fun!! Once I got going there was no stopping. Even turned the iron and sewing machine off, just to go back and turn it back on and work for another 2 hours.
I think my swap partner wanted to keep our projects secret, but I can't help myself. If you are reading this Ellen and want to keep the secret, you have to stop reading now.
This made lots of small pieces but was successful for the look I wanted. I then started to arrange the flowers on the background and liked it even more. This was the point that I turned things off, but came back to keep working. Then the fun really stared. How to piece all these strange shapes together into something with balance and composition? I think I sewed X, Y, and W seams but it is reasonably flat. Quilting will be my friend.
This is a little more representational than I wanted but I am really excited and can't wait to get the fancy rayon thread out to start the quilting. I'm going to send this to Ellen, because it was her picture I used for inspiration, but I think I have to make one for myself. Wonder if the 2nd time will be any quicker?
This is a really fun challenge project. It is difficult to use just plain solids and not use my hand dyes which are not even color, or batiks which I have a major collection of. But nothing to say I can't make more. Now I have my own picture to work on which is a totally different style. IF tomorrow is another hot day (prediction is 90's) I should have progress pictures tomorrow.
that's wonderful
A beautiful piece!! I would love to hang it on my wall.
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